Juice #2 – PAM

Pineapple, Apple and mint for the win!!!  


First Juice of the Day! 

Starting the day off with green juice: romaine, celery, cucumber, Apple, spinach, kale, parsley, and lemon.  


On an emotional note- I’m excited and processing everything. Yesterday, A guy I’ve been talking to said something that shot me to my core. I told him I was about to start a juice cleanse to kick start my eating change. I said I need to drop some lbs. He said, “yeah I had noticed the weight gain since we last spoke… I tried to figure out how you gained weight since vegetarians aren’t fat. Maybe it’s all the alcohol? ”

At that point I was stunned… Upset with myself even further. But truly… It’s just weight and I’m still who I am. I’ve been battling my weight for as long as I can remember. So it always feel like I’ve been bad when I gain weight and everyone can see it. Not a great feeling. Time to own the feelings and release them. Juice cleanse today, walk tonight and an overeaters annonoumous meeting after. It’s time to get me in order. I’ll post throughout the day. 

Getting back to Healthy!

I fell off my healthy. I fell way off… Not far enough to start eating meat. But enough to where I have been eating processed food and foods I know have dairy and animal products hidden in them. I can feel it. I’ve put on weight. I’ve been controlled by my eating… But here I am. Emotionally and physically needing to get back to my clean food. When I eat clean I feel better. 
Tomorrow, June 1st- I’m starting with a juice cleanse. All juice, all day long. I grabbed a day cleanse set from Blueprint Cleanse- it was on sale at my local whole foods. Pretty excited when I saw it. I will do one day of juice and then back to my clean eating where I follow the Eat to Live standards… Fresh fruit for breakfast, large salad and fruit for lunch, 1lb of cooked veggies for dinner and a cup of beans. Fruit for desert- limited salt. 

So this is me, being honest and reclaiming my health. Not only to lose weight- but to clear out toxins and get back to feeling good. Join me, wish me luck or give me advice. I’m open to all… ❤️

Clean Saturday lunch: Quinoa pasta and lentils


Quick and easy clean lunch. Quinoa Pasta with lentils and peas. Bring quinoa pasta, 2 ounces to boil- cook and drain. Then in a medium heat sauce pan add 1 teaspoon vegan soy free butter with 1/4 cup tomato sauce. Throw in the peas and lentils along with the pasta. Then add two fresh grated cloves of garlic… And 1/4 cup of Daiya cheddar cheese… Heat and serve. My goodness isn’t was tasty!! 400 calories per serving… Which this was one serving.

Do FASTED cardio to BURN FAT

Have you tried this?

Headaches? Neck pain? The cause may be..

For those of us who work at a desk for a majority of the day….It’s time to be aware what is causing our headaches and neck pain.

Jules Organic Living

If you are experiencing Tension Headaches, TMJ pain, respiratory problems, shoulder pain, upper back or neck pain then you may have a postural imbalance known as the Upper Cross Syndrome. upper_crossed_syndrome1

This occurs in individuals that exhibit frequent poor posture or work from a position where everything you do is in front of you like hairdressers, massage therapists, chiropractors, office and computer workers, or pretty much a good majority of people in general.images-3

This pattern of poor body mechanics can over tighten the muscles of the chest (pecs) and traps while weakening the shoulder retractors and deep neck flexors as shown. This can be fixed by stretching the tight and overworked muscles and strengthening the weak and inhibited muscles.

Tight muscles to stretch: Pecs, Upper traps, Levator scapula, and thoracic extension.


Muscles to strengthen: Deep neck flexors and shoulder retractors


And like always, ” Be good to your body and your…

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Spring Cleaning Myself

For me, when I fall off my healthy wagon…I feel so crummy about myself. It’s not that I have stopped eating my green smoothies every morning or gone back to eating dairy or gluten. I’m either over eating or thinking/craving food too much. I feel a loss of control or lack of eating freedom. I also find that with social media, I then start to feel worse about myself. I compare my body to others, especially if their body is where I would like to see myself. It self damaging and brutal, and yet we continue to do it. So…as of 7pm last night. I have deleted Instagram off my phone and logged out of Facebook. I’m taking a break. I need to find my security and body confidence by myself. I’m not going to find it online. The picture that people paint online, isn’t their complete truth, but we forget this while browsing.

I’m done with it. I feel like I am hurting myself everytime I go on social media now. Like I should now be ashamed because life and stress has lead me to gain some weight. Their bodies haven’t been through what I have been through. I need to stop comparing. So…I am on break. Break from Social media…except for this blog. Time to cleanse myself of comparing and degrading myself. I haven’t set a time limit..but maybe when I find my confidence again.

I’d love to hear if anyone else has encountered this…

Be well!

Watch the Carbs!!!

With all my thyroid issues and love of all things carb related, I’ve decided to cut some out. These winter months and stress have driven me right to them. Tonight starts my kick off of limiting carbohydrates. I don’t mind vegetable carbs, but I am watching my intake of potatoes.

Came home to steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. With a strawberry spinach salad with garbanzo beans and almonds. Delicious!!! More menu options to come soon.


Sippin’ on Orange Juice… Laid Back!

Recently I’ve been having some issues with my eyes. So I’ve turned to carrots and lutein to help get then back in shape. My better half made this amazing juice… Which tastes better than it looks.

1lb carrots
4 oranges
2 inches of ginger

Simple and delicious!


Letting go…


Sometimes we forget we cannot control everything. Heck, there truly is only so much we can control. Learning to let go, to gain control.